Our Fleet
One of our A220-300s.
We have already presented our three main goals: security, comfort and sustainability. Achivements we mostly suceed on delivering thanks to our award winning fleet. It concists of some of the worlds most comfortable, safe, and fuel efficient airplanes. Learn more about each aircraft by reading the fleet book below.
Number owned: 4 (2 in CDG, 2 in JNB)
Seating arrangement: 142 economy, 10 business, 3T cargo (Europe) 160 economy, 2T cargo (Africa).
The A220-300 is our prime contender for short but high demand routes. It is one of the most comfortable and fuel efficient regional aircraft which is why we have chosen it for our fleet.
Number owned: 7 (2 in CDG, 5 in JNB)
Seating arrangement: 150 economy, 25 business (Europe), 195 economy (Africa).
Easily our most versatile medium haul aircraft, it can do 3 hour to 7 hour round trips. Its unbeatable fuel economy, price and seats makes it a prime contender for medium-haul routes.
Number owned: 3 (2 in CDG, 1 in JNB)
Seating arrangement: 213 economy, 17 business (Europe), 244 economy (Africa)
The A321NEO is a great aircraft for 8 hour routes out of big airports or easily filling the demand on 5 hour routes. It is a great aircraft on the passenger comfort section as well as on the economical side: its low fuel use and high number of seats makes it a prime contender for routes where we want to fill the demand fast.
Number owned: 14 (9 in HND, 4 in CDG, 1 in JNB)
Seating arrangement: varies a lot: from 47 economy, 158 business, 25 first, 15T cargo (Project one), to max 440 economy (4 aircraft)
The A330NEO is a great plane for the 16 to 24 hour routes. It is very different from the A350-900 because the speed is not the same, we therefore have a pool of A350 routes and one for the A330NEO. Other than that, it is a magnicifent plane regarding fuel use and comfort.
Number owned: 11
Seating arrangement: varies a lot: from: 34 economy, 213 business, 13 first, 15T cargo (Worldwide Comforter), to max 475 economy (3 aircraft)
The A350-900 is a lovely part of our fleet. It can be configured anyway to do any job in our fleet. It is our go-to choice for filling in demand of any routes operated by an A350-1000 or a 747-8i. It does the job well and efficiently while passesngers love its over-the-top comfort. On a side note, all examples are painted in a Star Alliance livery.
Number owned: 34
Seating arrangement: varies a lot: from 2 economy, 165 business, 53 first, 27T cargo (Theme Park Explorer), to max 522 economy, 3T cargo (14 aircraft)
Clearly the workhorse of our fleet, the A350 is our go to aircraft flying out of HND. Its high seat number and super low fuel use makes it the leader of our long-haul fleet. Also its versatility means it can do any route from 12 to 33 hour round trip.
Number owned: 17
Seating arrangement: varies: from 640 economy,12T cargo (City of Beijing), to max 730 economy, 3T cargo (3 aircraft)
The 747 is a plane which always got our attention. We operate the newest variant: the 747-8i. As the biggest plane in our fleet the economics are unbeatable! We are so proud of the 747 legacy we have created an entire page about it!